About Us

Anthony Messam actively progresses with his team to make LUATO a safe haven for young minds to open themselves to their inner explorers in a judgement free environment so that they may never question their ability to go anywhere, be anyone, and achieve anything. Messam is taking steps to open the relatability of aviation up to reflect the world, not just the few that up until now, have had access to it.

The next generation of aviation to come from LUATO looks like any child with a yearning to level up and take off, in whatever way that may look like. Whether it be flying for the first time, getting their first pilot’s license, or any of the other possible experiences, Anthony Messam and his team at LUATO are dedicated to being the platform for the next generation to use as a stepping stool to the next level of aviation and life.

Having heard about his father’s piloting abilities and not being able to witness it himself sparked Messam’s initial interest in aviation and led him to gain access to aviation schooling. However, it wasn’t until his fight to get out of being homeless that he really tapped into his dedication to better his life and started working towards who he’s become. After finishing school, getting hired by Delta, and taking his first flight to the Bahamas his passion for exploring expanded and melded with his purpose, to encourage, motivate, and mentor, to increase the expansion of his own mind and get him ready for the next phase of his aviation journey. Once his younger sister, Ariel Messam, started becoming increasingly enthused about aviation, his vision for LUATO quickly blossomed and continues to grow alongside all parties involved. Messam hopes to change the mindset and culture of aviation into being accepting of all who are capable. He also stresses the importance of remembering day 1 and whatever that may have looked like for current pilot’s so that when they encounter a younger mind, they have access to the relatability that comes from bringing the beginning to remembrance. LUATO was born to move the community forward together in aviation and build foundations based on collaborations. These collaborations bring about access to new perspectives and a different point of view is just what will lead LUATO and aviation as a whole into the next generation.